At Biozone we design and construct new, or upgrade old traditional latrines into modern ones. Traditional latrines just use pits to collect waste that is then emptied every time it fills up. On the other hand, our modern ones never fill up. This is because we use biodigester technology in our designs. Only organic waste is allowed into the chambers. The chambers are constructed in such a way as to initiate bio-degradation of the waste into methane gas, water, and slurry. This process is catalyzed by our biodigester enzymes and microbial cultures. Consequently, they have been found to have more benefits than traditional ones.  Since they work the same way as our Biozone Biodigesters, you can read more about their benefits by clicking HERE to go to our Biozone Biodigester page.


A Bio-latrine is low maintenance system comprising a combination of a toilet, washroom and a bio-digester unit. The Bio-latrine is a closed system; therefore, it gives off no odor from waste; this will eliminate flies and rodents from the facility, this increases hygiene and sanitation standards.

According UNICEF Kenya only 29% of people in Kenya have access to improved sanitation facilities. Bio-latrines place emphasis on the provision of a solution to the sanitation problems that face over 70% of the country’s population.


  • It’s a two in one system; this makes waste management affordable while improving the levels of hygiene.
  • They require little water in contrast to other systems, which often rely upon large quantities of water for their operation. Bio-latrines can therefore be suitable for use in places where water is expensive and/or scarce (i.e. urban slums and informal settlements).
  • They are a good alternative to traditional pit latrines in flood prone areas or where a high water table makes the construction of pit latrines difficult or impractical
  • They require little maintenance as there are no moving parts, therefore they are simple to operate and maintain.
  • They are sustainable and suitable for areas where space is limited, Unlike traditional pit latrines bio-latrines do not fill up and don’t have to be abandoned


  • Flood prone areas
  • Areas with high water table 
  • Areas with scarce or expensive water
  • Areas where space is limited
  • Slums and Informal Settlements
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Residential Homes


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