Your questions answered.

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Is there need to separate kitchen water from toilet water?

There is only a need to separate kitchen water (grey water) from toilet water (black water) if the client has two separate treating systems. In our system, we combine both grey and black water.
Our design includes a grease trap immediately after kitchen to remove grease and fats from kitchen water after which we combine with toilet water in the biodigester. In addition, the 1st chamber of our biodigester acts like a grease trap to further remove grease and fats. For the case of soaps and disinfectants, bacteria and microbial life inside the digester tend to adapt to such shock loads over time. We also dose our digesters with bacteria and enzymes to provide optimum ecosystem for sludge digestion.

What’s the difference between WWTP and a biodigester?

biodigester is a system that biologically digests organic material, either anaerobic (without oxygen) or aerobically (with oxygen). Microbes and other bacteria break down organic materials in a biodigester.
A Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is a system that removes contaminants from wastewater using biological and mechanical processes and converts it into an effluent that can be recycled.

Is it necessary to use power to operate WWTP?

Yes, the system has mechanical components that use up electrical power. These components include blowers and pumps. Our system is designed to used minimum electricity.

How clean is the effluent?

The effluent meets the NEMA standards as stated in the ninth schedule standards for irrigation water.
SBR Purification results:
BOD: <30mg/l
COD: <50mg/l*
TSS: <30mg/l
TN: <20mg/l

Does the effluent reach authority parameters?

Yes, Effluent Discharge License (EDL) is issued by NEMA for the effluent., the license will be renewed on an yearly basis

Is WWTP costly?

The system has some mechanical components and the sizing is generally bigger compared to the normal biodigester. Appliances for the 10PE System Cost starting from KES 300,000 or USD 3,000

Is the effluent safe to discharge to the environment?

Yes, Effluent Discharge License is issued for the effluent

Can I use solar energy to operate the control panel?

Yes, a solar plant can be installed to run the system.

What the power consumption.

Starting from 1.1Kwh per month

Can service and maintenance be done by just anybody?

Only Trained Specialists have the professional requirements to service the system

What is the cost of service and maintenance

Cost depends on the size, the minimum size of 10 person’s costs from 400,000

Can the effluent be used for irrigation?

Yes, the effluent meets the NEMA requirement for Irrigation. The effluent can also be used fo, Car Wash, Toilet Re-Flush, Washing down and Discharge to Environment

Is the effluent safe to drink?

No , the effluent meets the NEMA requirement for Irrigation purposes,
Water contains high levels of cod than that recommended in drinking water

What happens when there are challenges with space?

Above Ground System can be used, this are made from modified plastic Tanks


What is the cost of the Biozone Biodigester?

We don’t have a fixed cost for our biodigesters. The charges depend on a number of factors such as size of the system, location of the system, etc. We also have a flexible payment plan of three installments: 40% as deposit, 40% when 50% of the project work is done, and 20% on commissioning.

What is the smallest size?

From 4M3 or 4000 liters .Based on the challenges faced in our past constructed biodigesters, our engineers and experts concluded that 4m 3 is the best minimum size as it allows adequate retention time for complete sewage treatment. Essentially, sufficient time (retention time) is required for separation of settleable solids from water and flotation of scum.

Is your biodigester cylindrical?

NO. Our biodigesters are either rectangular or cubical. The goodness with our system is that we’re flexible with the available space within building, apartments or premise

How long does it take to construct a biodigester?

Our biodigesters construction has been divided into four project phases: Excavation phase (which takes between 2 to 7 days), construction phase (which takes 7 days), curing phase (which takes 7 days) and Finishing phase (which takes up to 7 days). The whole project construction takes up to 4 weeks. We always endeavor to deliver quality construction work following the requisite construction standards to ensure that our clients get value for their money.

Is soakage area 3 or 4 times bigger than the biodigester?

YES. Our soakage is 3 to 4 times bigger than biodigesters. In our years of experience, we have come to realize that biggest headache for biodigesters’ use is the soakage (soak away).
Essentially, the bigger the soakage, the better. The dimensions of our soakage is 6m by 1.2m by 2m which gives a volume of 14.4m 3 against biodigester volume of 4m 3 . In addition, we minimize blockage through even distribution of water along the horizontal length of the soakage using uniformly perforated pipe hence prevent possible saturation and blockage of certain small sections of the soak away. Besides, it is made of hard course materials to support the soakage walls against collapsing and ensure smooth water infiltration.

Can a biodigester be installed under the house?

It is not advisable for a biodigester to be installed under a living house to avoid inefficiency and discomfort caused during inspection and maintenance. However, it can be done under raised structures such as a store, houses for domestic animals such as chicken house, etc.

What factors does one need to put into consideration when constructing a biodigester?

i. Population
ii. Availability of space
iii. Location: determines soil type
iv. Water table
v. Effluent Use
vi. Budget

Does one need to exhaust a biodigester after 6 months?

NO. There is no need to exhaust biodigesters after six months since the design of our biodigester includes a four-chamber system which provide ample space and retention time for effective digestion of organic solid waste hence continuously keeping the levels in the digester low.

What is involved in service and maitenance?

i. Grease traps cleaning and servicing
ii. Soakage inspection
iii. Drainage inspection and unblocking if blockage is traced
iv. Removal of indigestible and scum trapped in the first chambers
v. Checking, servicing and repairing all the membrane and fixed film if repairable
vi. Dosing of biodigester with the recommended enzymes and bacteria, as deemed fit.

How does a biodigester work?

The biodigester septic tank is based on biodegrading processes. This is the breaking down of organic waste matter into carbon dioxide, methane and water. The bacteria in the tank feed on the organic wastewater and the dark water as they come in. As a result, they become water and gas. The effluent takes about 2 weeks to decompose. After the water treatment is complete, it leaves through the outlet to the soakage for filtration into the surrounding soil. The biodigester uses the displacement principle. The amount of wastewater flushed into the system displaces the equivalent volume from the biodigester tank to the soak drain.

Whats is a biodigester septic design?

The Biozone biodigester is rectangular or cubical in shape depending on the available space. The arrangement of components includes grease trap just after the kitchen, a four chamber digester of 4M3 minimum size (variable depending on population size and available in multiples of 4) and soak away.

Warranty Period

Do you have a warranty?

YES. The warranty period for our system is 12 months within which we are liable for any defects related to negligence on our side. However, quality is key for us and our systems have stood the test of time. The guarantee period for our system is 10 years based on the old system we did and still performing efficiently to date. Our current systems do well even beyond the 10 years because of the technical improvements and modifications based on the identified challenges and gaps over the years.


Can one get biogas from a biodigester?

Yes, it is possible to get methane gas from a biodigester. However, the amount of methane generated from this system is, first, not adequate since the ratio of water: sludge (solid matter) is so small to produce adequate methane gas compared to a standard ratio of 2:1. Secondly, biodigester is made of methanogens family of bacteria which digest solid matter into methane gas and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide gas produced is a contaminant putting off the methane flame. Third, the amount disinfectants and related pollution should be checked and clarified as it has impacts on the resultant methane gas.

Can one get biogas from Human Waste?

What should one do if production of biogas has reduced?

What is the best source of biomass?

Do you guys sell biogas accessories?

What’s the cost of biogas plant?

Do you guys have the plant biogas system?

Between Concentrate biogas and plastic biogas which is more durable?

Can one use the normal cooker when using biogas as a source of energy?

Do you guys allow installment payment?

Can one convert biogas energy to electrical energy?

Are there special bacteria to be used in biogas system?

What is biogas used for?

Is biogas bad for the environment?

Is biogas harmful to humans?


Can one modify a septic to a biodigester?

Yes, a septic tank can be modified into a biodigester but this depends on the septic tank design. Importantly, the depth of the septic tank should not exceed 3m for safety purposes.

General Questions

Do you have biodigester septic bacteria

yes, septozyme BFB

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are microorganisms that you cannot see or touch with our naked eyes which are environmentally friendly which are cultured from organic matters which can be
1. Aerobic (with oxygen)
2. Anaerobic (without oxygen)

How is Septozyme applied in a biodigester?

For every 100 grams of bacteria mix with 20 liters of Luke warm water for few minutes. Pour the solution in the last drainage manhole before the inlet of the system where the solution will be distributed evenly.
Note; Pour the solution when the wastewater drainage system is not busy to avoid immediate wash way (night)
REM: it’s introduced in the system once the system has started to be in use

How much do biodigester enzymes and bacterias cost?

Recommended Retail Price
250 grams@Ksh 2475
500grams@Ksh 3900
1Kg @Ksh 6000
We also offer discounted costs for bulk orders

Is the enzyme or bacteria mixed with cement?

No, Cement has its own bonding elements and the micro-organisms should be free to move with no hinderance

How long does the enzyme stay in the biodigester?

Under optimum conditions the enzymes does not deplete it keeps on working  but it should be added to improve its efficiency maybe once or Bi annually

What’s the shelf line of bacteria before and after opening?

Usually Shelf Life-2years but will depend on storage conditions, this is usually indicated on the packaging of every enzyme

After how long should one dose system with enzymes and bacteria?

Wastewater treatment plant dosage depends on the population its serving
Domestic Wastewater treatment plant- Twice a year (After 6 months)
Commercial Wastewater treatment plant-four times a year (after 3 months) and it should be done on five alternative days

Are the bacteria chemical substance?

No. They are purely organic. The bacteria are microorganisms that work  on organic waste only.

What’s the color component of the bacteria and enzymes?

White fine powder

Are there different bacteria for septic tank and biodigester?

No Septic and biodigester will use the same type of enzymes –Septozyme BFB

Is there separate bacteria for soakage area?

No. This is because the dosed bacteria will eventually flow to respective soakage

Is it necessary to dose a biodigester with enzymes and bacteria?

Yes. Despite the accumulated human waste having its own bacteria the bacteria are weakened by the common cleaning detergents we in our toilets thus slowing down degradation period. Therefore, dosing your biodigetser with enzymes boost the living organism resulting to faster digestion of human waste. No exhausting

Do the enzymes break down inorganic Substances?

No this is because the bacteria are living organism that only work on organic waste

What’s quantity do I need for a 1 cubic meters biodigester?

For effective results one needs 400grams of bacteria. For one month dosage with weekly dosage of 100 grams of septozyme.

Who are the manufacturer of bacteria and enzymes?

Biozone do culture and distribute the bacteria and enzymes.

Why are we using warm water to make solution with enzymes and bacteria?

Warm water has the optimum temperature to active the enzymes and bacteria from its hibernation state and also in warm water the microbes adapt very fast.

Are the bacteria harmful to our hands?

No. The bacteria are not harmful to your hands as there are absent toxins in every gram.

Is there different bacteria for pit latrine?

Yes. Pit latrine Bacteria is available in two forms
Powder form-Bioclean
Liquid Form-Bamoyeast

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