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Bamoyeast BFB is the BEST PIT LATRINE DIGESTER & CHEMICAL in kenya, biodigester bacteria, bio digester septic bacteria, biodigester enzyme and septic tank chemical as it is an EFFICIENT biological enzymatic and microorganism-based formulation (containing beneficial bacteria/ multi enzymes). It’s eliminates odors generated from landfills, that include, household organic waste (garbage), pit latrines/urinals, industrial organic waste, slaughter house waste, compost and sewage treatment sludge. It’s powerfully concentrated with microorganism activity to attack, break down and reduce organic solid waste volume naturally and in an eco-friendly manner.
BAMOYEAST-BFB Enzymes remove odors and bad smell by causing a biological or chemical reaction. A type of protein, enzymes are produced by living organisms, but they are not alive. An enzyme is made up of a chain of amino acids, and it’s the changes to the sequence in the structure that dictates the function of the enzyme.
The two most common enzymes used in cleaning products are proteases and amylases, because they are food-based and are the catalysts behind removing and changing the physical properties in most protein related stains and odors. Essential oils which are topped up will release aromatic fragrance instantly. As soon as the Aerobic bacteria grows it will produce enzymes as a secondary metabolite during the stationary phase of its growth. The level of enzyme production will be maintained throughout the life cycle of Aerobic bacteria or anaerobic bacteria propagation. Its efficiently eliminate any odor producing bacteria, rather than act as a masking agent for the odors.
Bamoyeast-BFB far out performs existing competitive products including enzyme, Bacteria, Fungi and Actinomycetes.
Multi enzymes will helps in the faster cleavage of Organic molecules further degradation will be taken care by Endospore forming bacilli, Fungal, Algae and Actinomycetes strains provided proper nutrients supplements and Moisture.
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