2 Best Chicken Booster (LAYERS PRO BFB & BROILERS PRO BFB)

(Highly potent probiotic and enzyme for poultry production)


POULTRY PRO-BFB is an eco-friendly bird growth vitalizer powered by Bioaugmentation technology packaged for Biozone. POULTRY PRO-BFB is a highly potent probiotics and multi enzymes mixture specially designed for poultry production. The synergistic and potent combination of concentrated enzymes leads to a strong improvement on the zootechnical parameters of birds. Probiotics, or beneficial bacteria, for chickens and other avian species are commonly added to poultry feed or drinking water in order to help support birds’ health, performance and growth.

This is particularly important in young animals in which stable intestinal bacteria have not yet been established. By adding probiotics to feed or water the intestine is populated with beneficial bacteria avoiding or decreasing the extent of pathogen colonization Synbiotics compounds are composed of combined probiotics and prebiotics that work synergistically, these compounds together benefit from each other and enhance their biological activity. Synbiotics can be a useful scientific development to diminish the impact of common gastric issues that impair birds’ performance and to reduce the incidence of antibiotics as growth promoters or even the frequency of antibiotic treatments. Prebiotics MOS included together with probiotics or alone in order to promote beneficial bacteria survivability


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  1. To boost or to increases chicken body weight.
  2. Increases egg production and quality.
  3. Egg Quality and Shell Quality is improved
  4. Reduces the incidence of early chick mortality (ECM)
  5. More number of Hatchable eggs.
  6. Improved Resistance to diseases.
  7. Minimizes stress due to various kinds; De-beaking.
  8. Vaccination and heat stress.
  9. Improves Feed Conversion ratio. Due to better Enzyme activity Weight gain in Layer
  10. Chicks and in Broilers is nutrients of achieved.
  1. Breaks Anti- Nutritional Factors and makes nutrients, phosphorus available in intestine
  2. Increases calcium retention.
  3. Improves quality of litter. To improve FCR and reduce feed cost.
  4. Lactic Acid and acidic pH is created in the intestine.
  5. Competitive inhibition and Exclusion harmful of Pathogens.
  6. Good source of B-vitamins, certain digestive enzymes – Amylase, Protease
  7. and Lipase for optimum digestion and absorption of feed
  8. Immune stimulation by activation of at least three
  9. Unfavourable atmosphere aids reduction in E. coli Salmonella, Staphylococcus sp count.
  10. More number of Hatchable eggs.

How to apply Chicken Booster – STEPS

Poultry PRO -BFB is a growth promoter for broilers, layers and Breeders, Turkey and all types of birds from 1 day old.


Inclusion Rate: 300- 4009/MT of Feeds


Recommended during specific stress periods. Use at the rate of

50g /1000 birds /day. 1 st week of a chick

75g/1000 birds/ day. 2 nd week of a chick

100g/1000 birds/ day. 3 rd week of a chick

200g/ l000 birds/day on wards.

Post antibiotic treatment; apply for 04 consecutive days starting 24 Hours after antibiotic application.

Around feed changes- For 03 consecutive days starting one day prior to feed change. During stress period recommended daily.


Probiotics and synbiotics can be delivered to flocks via feed or drinking water (soluble) application.

Post-pelleting application is also possible.


Poultry PRO - Broilers Pro BFB


Most commercial probiotic products fall into two major categories.

  1. Sporulated Bacillus spp.
  2. Lactic acid producing bacteria

Sporulated Bacillus spp., both single and multi-species, remain in the lumen or outer mucus layer. Lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) The lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB), for example Lactobacillus spp., Pediococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp., can be derived from various sources, which may not be particularly poultry. and intestinal cell lining, and therefore reducing the ability of the bacteria to competitively exclude pathogenic bacteria. In addition, many of the pathogenic bacteria, such as avian pathogenic E. coli or Salmonella spp., are pH sensitive, so even localized production of organic acids in the firmly attached mucus layer, along with the bacteriocin secretion of probiotic bacteria will have a modulating effect of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract. Colonization by a beneficial Bifidobacterium strain can improve a bird’s immune development, limiting the need for immune response, thereby reducing the nutrient loss for this process.

poultry farming


Bacteria challenge : Bacteria, such as Salmonella, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, and other opportunistic microorganisms have the capability of causing chronic mucosal enteric damage disturbing not only gut integrity but also the overall physiology of the birds. The outbreak of these microorganisms bring several consequences, such as enteric epithelia cells destruction, decrease on nutrient
digestion and absorption capacity (Kaldhusdal et al., 2001). In addition, Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter carcass contamination are negative bacteria causing enteric disorders not only in poultry but also in humans.

Heat Stress : Global warming has brought environmental temperature stress problems on poultry flocks around the word Birds expose to heat stress can result on poor performance in broilers, as high morbidity and mortality in layers due to impairment to their endocrine system electrolytic unbalance and immune system suppression.These disorders can affect microbiota eubiosis and villus morphology.

Synbiotics and control of coccidian outbreak: Immune modulation competitive exclusion and enhancement of mucosal integrity reduce the consequences of a coccidia challenge. Up-regulation of the damaged caused by the oocysts in the gastrointestinal tract is shown due to down regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines expression, down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines is the result of the mode of action derived from probiotics.
Consequently, birds would have ameliorated the impact to the epithelial damage caused by coccidia. Synbiotics and Salmonella control: Salmonella infection destroys the host epithelia cells, promoting inflammatory processes leading to digestive and absorption disorders. Probiotics are a useful tool to diminish Salmonella proliferation in birds the reduction of Salmonella proliferation
by the activity of is produced through mechanisms like immune response regulation, competitive exclusion, and production of different kinds of metabolites These biological effects vary and are specific to the type of probiotic bacteria strain, number of species, and concentration of beneficial microorganisms offered to the host.

Bacteria challenge : Bacteria, such as Salmonella, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, and other opportunistic microorganisms have the capability of causing chronic mucosal enteric damage disturbing not only gut integrity but also the overall physiology of the birds. The outbreak of these microorganisms bring several consequences, such as enteric epithelia cells destruction, decrease on nutrient digestion and absorption capacity In addition, Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter carcass contamination are negative bacteria causing enteric disorders not only in poultry but also in humans.

Antibiotics reduction and antibiotic-free feeding :
Antibiotic-free feeding (ABF) programs is not only an antibiotics reduction or replacement strategy, but a comprehensive program that includes strengthening of biosecurity measures and progressive inclusion of feed additives alongside pharmaceutical components, such as such as vaccines, enzymes, acidifiers, phytogenics, probiotics and prebiotics in order to enhance immune system capacity to face challenges on the field.

Poultry PRO Application :

Poultry (broilers, layers and Breeders), Turkey
FEED : Inclusion Rate: 300-400g/MT of Feed
DRINKING WATER : Recommended during specific stress periods. Use at the rate of 200g/1000birds/day. Post antibiotic treatment for 04 consecutive days starting 24 Hours after antibiotic application. Around feed changes- For 03 consecutive days starting one day prior to feed change. During stress period recommended daily.
Probiotics and synbiotics can be delivered to flocks via feed or drinking water (soluble) application. Post-pelleting application is also possible.

1. To improve FCR and reduce feed cost.
2. To improve body weight.
3. Breaks Anti- Nutritional Factors and makes nutrients, phosphorus available in intestine
4. Increases egg production and quality.
5. Increases calcium retention.
6. Improves quality of litter.
7. Lactic Acid and acidic pH is created in the intestine.
8. Competitive inhibition and Exclusion harmful of Pathogens.
9. Good source of B-vitamins, certain digestive enzymes – Amylase, Protease and Lipase for optimum digestion and absorption of feed
10. Egg Quality and Shell Quality is improved
11. Immuno stimulation by activation of at least three specific antibodies (IgM, IgG and IgA secretion)
12. Unfavourable atmosphere aids reduction in E.Coli Salmonella, Staphylococcus sp count.
13. Reduces the incidence of early chick mortality (ECM)
14. Improves Feed Conversion ratio.Due to better Enzyme activity Weight gain in Layer Chicks and in Broilers is nutrients of achieved.
15. Improved Resistance to diseases. Minimizes stress due to various kinds; De-beaking, Vaccination and summer stress.
16. More number of Hatchable eggs.