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An easy disposal of organic wastes that is eco-friendly because combustion of biogas does not cause much pollution.
Biogas has been defined in various different ways;
All the definitions are in agreement that biogas is derived, produced or generated from decomposed waste materials, organic matter, waste water, and solid waste or plant crops. In absence of oxygen. Biogas is produced through the processing of various types of organic waste such as food waste, human waste, sewage, paper waste, manure, green waste, biodegradable plastic, and slaughterhouse.
Biogas production also helps in the easy disposal of organic wastes and is eco-friendly because combustion of biogas does not cause much pollution. It has high calorific value and is a non-polluting renewable source of energy Biogas production starts from the arrival of feed-stocks at the biogas plant.
Biogas is a fuel gas produced by anaerobic fermentation of organic material by methane producing bacteria. Methane is produced in strictly anaerobic (oxygen-free) sealed conditions by particular bacteria consortium.
Biogas has the following characteristics.
Biogas has calorific value similar to LPG and natural gas, although the value is only about half of that of fossil fuels. Biogas can be utilized in the same way as LPG or natural gas when modified cooking stoves or modified engine-generators are applied.
Maintaining a biogas plant involves;
LPG | 92-94 | MJ/m3 | Gas |
Methane | 35.9 | MJ/m3 | Gas |
Natural Gas | 37-39 | MJ/m3 | Gas |
Kerosene | 36.7 | MJ/L | Liquid |
Diesel Oil | 37.7 | MJ/L | Liquid |
Coal | 22-26 | MJ/Kg | Solid |
Biogas | 20-30 | MJ/m3 | Gas |
Firewood* | 10-20 | MJ/Kg | Solid |
There are two types of biogas systems depending on the moisture content of the feed-stocks;
Anaerobic digestion is a biological process during which complex organic matter is decomposed in the absence of oxygen, by various types of anaerobic microorganisms. (BUY Biogas Production Booster) Biogas booster can be used in houshehold biogas or industrial biogas production, just add the enzyme to get your biogas plant boosted over 50% more biogas produced!
These conditions significantly affect bacterial activity
The rates of methane production are highly sensitive to temperature changes.
Generally, sulfate reduction also occurs in the biogas digester, producing hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide needs to be removed since it is corrosive and damages pipes, valves, meters, and engines and generators. (Buy Desulphiriser)
The raw materials used for the generation of biogas in our biodigesters include;
The table below gives a first comparison of the different types of biogas
Gas storage | Internal Gas storage up to 20 m³ (large) | Internal Gas storage drum size (small) | Internal eventually external plastic bags | Internal Gas storage drum sizes (small) |
Gas pressure | Between 60 and 120 mbar | Upto 20 mbar | Low, around 2 mbar | Low around 2mbar |
Skills of contractor | High; masonry, plumbing | High; masonry, plumbing, welding | Medium; plumbing | Low; plumbing |
Availability of Material | yes | Yes | yes | Yes |
Durability | Very high >20 years | High; drum is weakness | Medium; Depending on chosen liner | medium |
Agitation | Self agitated by Biogas pressure | Manual steering | Not possible; plug flow type | Evtl Manual steering |
Sizing | 6 to 124 m³ digester vol | Up to 20 m³ | Combination possible | Up to 6 m³ digester vol |
Methane emission | High | Medium | Low | Medium |
The raw materials used for the generation of biogas in our biodigesters include;
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I, interested in putting up biogas for home use, with 1 cow and 3 goats. is it possible .
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